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The 3 vital components of Yoga practice

Foto do escritor: Redação Entre AsanasRedação Entre Asanas

In the incessant search for well-being and harmony, many people have sought refuge in the practice of Yoga. But it is necessary to ask: what does it really mean to practice Yoga?

Many can imagine a class full of choreographed postures and movements, guided by an instructor during an hour of exercise. However, this superficial view of Yoga may not capture the true essence of the practice.

The true practice of Yoga goes far beyond a simple series of postures and breathing and meditation exercises. It involves an inner journey, a search for self-knowledge and harmony between body, mind and behavior. To understand this essence, it is essential to know the three vital components of the practice: Discernment, Discipline and Detachment .


Discernment is the first step on the path of Yoga. It involves the ability to distinguish between what is beneficial and what is harmful. In the context of Yoga, this means understanding one's abilities and limitations, recognizing when it is time to move forward and when it is time to step back. It's about acting with conscience, listening to the voice that really matters (Atman) .


Discipline in Yoga goes beyond following a rigid practice routine. It involves cultivating healthy, consistent habits that promote personal growth. This includes not only the regular practice of self-control, but also incorporating the Yoga code of conduct into everyday life. It's about committing to yourself and finding dignity in restraint.


Detachment is another fundamental component of Yoga practice. It means not getting caught up in results or expectations during everyday actions. Instead, it's about accepting the present moment, without judgment or attachment to outcomes. This does not mean that we should not have goals or aspirations in the practice of Yoga, but rather that we should be open to accepting whatever arises, without resistance. It's about cultivating an attitude of detachment towards our own actions and the fruits of those actions, allowing ourselves to live freely and lightly.

Knowledge is essential

It is crucial to understand that practicing Yoga goes MUCH beyond simply following the instructions given in the Yoga studio or gym. It's about developing a process of deep understanding of the principles that govern your life, so that you can live in a conscious and meaningful way.

By obtaining the correct knowledge about Yoga, the practitioner is able to develop their own discipline of self-knowledge. This means not only improving flexibility and physical strength, but also cultivating a state of mental clarity, and a more open and compassionate heart.

Better to know and not need than to need and not know

It is through this self-knowledge that we can find true peace and harmony, not only within ourselves, but also in our relationships with the world around us.

Therefore, may we seek not only the external postures, but also the internal teachings of Yoga, so that we can truly flourish in all areas of our lives. May we practice with discernment, discipline and detachment, guided by the correct knowledge that will allow us to grow and evolve towards a fuller and more meaningful life

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